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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bila lagi neh!

What happened to our Malaysia Thomas Camp? they lose to China team in Semi-final Thomas Cup.. Bila lagi nak bawa balik Piala Thomas tu?? hmm.. We have Datuk Lee Chong Wei, first in the world.. He the best player i think..But the day was unluckly to him cause lose to his opponent, LimDan lor..

He is returned from injury recovery then won the game.. The game he show so impressive in the badminton world. This is cause of passion from himself to won the game and ability to psycho his opponent.. Even Datuk Lee Chong Wei cannot defeat him.. In the football world we have Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi as a shining star that both of them always compete each other to be the best but in badminton we have Lim Dan and Datuk Lee Chong Wei..But I'm proud with Datuk that not ease to giving up.. for the next game hopefully Datuk can defeat Lim Dan..

However, BAM suppose to take initiative to find another younger s player for single as soon as possible as a replacement and train them for future Thomas games. Orang muda ganti orang pengalaman (tua)..hehee.. if the action is not taken by Bam, perhaps we will won the Thomas cup but for the next 20 years.. Bila lagi neh!

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