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Friday, May 21, 2010

BM vs BI... ???

...hmm... What is on this page about? I'm just wanna to share something what is my opinion about 'Bahasa War' in Parliament, refer to education learning process towards primary school pupils in 'Bahasa Inggeris'...

This is the new step approach for us as a early stage to develop a future youngster to be more successful and high-standard among human in the world... this is a platform that we should support to ensure ours future with this country, Malaysia will be recognize to the global as a Intelligent and development country... Banyak berfikir dalam Bahasa Inggeris boley menjana pemikiran kreatif... pupils can search and explore the technology from the world ( betol ke?fikir-fikirkan...)...This is not about politician but about our own future... I'm not proud of English-people, but if we want to challenge them, we should muster with their medium language... We must admitted that Bahasa Inggeris is an important as a communication system to be used nowadays... Tapi jangan salah anggap, Bahasa Ibunda ( Bahasa Melayu) still be the main for us... Just needed for second language to brought us to Globalization... Tak semua negara mengenali Bahasa Melayu... Tapi inilah identiti kita..So if we can master for the second language means English, so we also able to conquer the world... If that happen, it is an opportunity for us, perhaps we can expend our Bahasa to the world... as the history said.. Bahasa Melayu as Lingua Franca... So it is not possible...
The people outsider or near towns maybe hard and difficult to learned the education in Bahasa Inggeris, but if they take their own initiative and hardworking learn the language, there is no problem in school perhaps. But the parent should support them in a learning concept and understand them much to avoid or add on any pressure... Kadang-kadang, tekanan pun boley memaksa diri sendiri lebih rajin dan bersemangat..heh.. Its depend on individual personality...focusing on what they want to be in future... hehee...
So, me, as my own self, still doing learning concept of English Language.. Try and trying... I'm believe, Learning Concept will not finished even we are PHd holder.. My ways of learning is Read, Write and Speak.. Walaupun tunggang langgang bahasa nye..hehee... Tulis blog pon konsep belajar, nampak moden skit kan..hehe.. From that, we also can established our confident level.. baru tak nervous during presentation or debate or any discussion.. Sambung pendapat... lain hari laa...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My third wife...

This is a story... About my truly lovely wife... That I'm always remember even i'm eating,tidoring, belajaring, its appear on my mind.. Its difficult and hard to forget about the memories when i was with my 'third wife'... So sad when you lost someone in your life... The experience and memory that built together will still remind and feel even the time is running... But 'the life must go on'..same as Celine Dion sing in her music... We need to 'start the new beginning', refer to Datuk Fazilah Kamsah talked and 'fast forward' like Petronas moto... Its all can be use to generate our mind to be more positive thinking then perhaps we can used it when we are in the heart-trouble...broken heart... or J.K means JIWA KACAU..hehe... Its maybe funny for several individual but it is the truth, the ways to calm down yourself if in such a problem... Cause the word always on the air... Dalam tv... Dah macam beri motivasi pulak..hehe..
Cerita asal berkaitan dengan IsteriKetiga...
My Third Wife...i'm missing bout its..But still have another two wife perhaps can be as my remedy... Bagus kan..poligami yang cihat..hehee...My third wife was divorced when i'm desperate to get money, funds to develop my final year project.. so not have any choice, need to sacrifice by selling my third wife, Bass Guitar ( sebab jarang guna dah, asyik melayan second wife je..hehee..)...So the price was not expensive,just RM 1100..complete set with its son and shirt ( beg guitar dengan Amplifier 15watt,mahal tuh)... Ape-ape pown kena jugak kan..dah tu je jalan penyelesaian..hehh... So now on, the only loyal with me is my first and second wife (acoustic guitar and honda EX5 tuh...)..hopefully both of its will not become as my thirds..hehe... Sape-sape nak pinjam boley..Tapi jage leklok ok...

Ini la 'Third Wife' saye...

Baju dan anaknye (ampfilier)...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kepada Bakal Isteri...

Pesanan Asma' binti Kharijah Fazari kepada anak gadisnya pada hari perkahwinan anaknya itu.

"Hai anakku, kin engkau telah keluar dari sarang yang dahulu adalah tempat engkau dilahirkan sehingga menjadi besar.
Kini engkau akan beralih ke suatu hamparan dan kediaman yang belum engkau kenali. Dan engkau harus berkawan pula dengan seseorang yang belum engkau mesrai.

Itulah suamimu. Jadilah engkau tanah untuknya dan dia akan menjadi langit untukmu. Jadilah engkau sebagai lantai untuknya dan dia akan menjadikan engkau sebagai tiangnya.

Janganlah membebaninya dengan pelbagai kesukaran sebab itu akan menyebabkan dia meninggalkanmu.

Jangan lah engkau terlalu jauh darinya agar dia tidak melupaimu. Tetapi kalau dia mendekatimu dekatilah ia; dan sekiranya dia agak menjauhmu, jauhilah dia dengan baik.

Peliharalah suamimu itu sungguh-sungguh. Hidungnya, pendengarannya, matanya dan lain-lain. Jangan biarkan suamimu mencium sesuatu yang tidak enak darimu kecuali yang harum-harum belaka. Jangan pula dia mendengar sesuatu kecuali yang enak-enak sahaja dan jangan biarkan dia melihat sesuatu kecuali sesuatu yang indah darimu".

Wahai suami dan bakal suami...

Laki bini ini asalnya 2
individu asing yang saling tidak mengenali. Atas takdir tuhan
dipertemukan dan aqad nikah telah menyatukan kita.

TAPI.......tahukah kau apa yang isterimu selalu lakukan untukmu,dan
fikirlah sejenak apa pula yang kau berikan untuknya...

KALA kau tiada duit, bukankah magic david copperfield bila tiba2

kau buka wallet ada duit pulak di dalamnya, tahukah kau yang
isterimu sentiasa curi2 membuka wallet untuk mengecek " Ada duitkah
TAPI Bila kau ada duit, wah! wah! kau siap boleh tanya lagi bini

kau " nk duit ke?" sedangkan itukan kewajipan kau untuk memberinya

nafkah?Tahukah kau wahai suami, tiap2 malam isterimu akan terbangun dari

tidurnya dan perkara pertama yang diingat ialah suaminya, lantas

terus si isteri menjenguk suaminya di sebelah, di kucup dahi

suaminya, diusap rambutnya, penuh kasih sayang dan belas kasihan

TAPI yang kau berinya hanyalah dengkuran kadang2 siap kentut
lagi..Cissss! !

Tahukah kau wahai suami, kalau kau balik lewat malam sampai jam 4-5

pagi atas alasan kerja atau kau suka2 nak lepak ngan kawan2, bini

kau yang dirumah tu tak lena tidur, selagi kau tak balik selagi

tulah mata tak leh pejam
TAPI yang kau tahu bersembang aje sampai pagi, langsung tak ingat

bini, dahlah balik lambat esoknya selagi tak masuk Zohor tak reti2

nak bangun, dah bangun tahu nak makan aje...
Tahu tak kau wahai suami, setiap kali isteri mu menggosok bajumu

apa yang sentiasa terlintas di fikirannya ialah "Handsome tak laki

aku bila pakai baju ni?"

Tapi kau bila dah hansome sikit mula hidung tinggi nak mengorat


Tahu tak kau wahai suami, isteri tu tak mintak banyak, cuma pujilah
dia sekali-sekala, peluklah dia setiap pagi dan malam sebelum tidur

peluk yang setakat pelukan sayang sahaja..bukan dengan harapan

dapat "apa-apa"), hadiahkanlah dia sekali-sekala walaupun setakat

coklat sekeping, picitlah bahunya sekali-sekala dan kalau nak tidur

tu, selimutkanlah dia, sebab sebenarnya, bini tu selagi laki dia

tak lelap mata dia hanya tidur2 ayam sahaja...


Satu lagi, suami, kalau korang nak tahu, sebaik sahaja saksi kata

SAH!!!! tuhan tu telah kurniakan 6, 7, 8 senses kat isteri sebab itulah dia

orang tahu korang buat apa kat belakang dia, tak yah guna spy...dia

orang musti tahu punya....

Hargailah bini dan bakal bini korang, sebagaimana korang hargai

kereta korang, PS2 korang dan lain-lain

Orang bijak adalah dia yang hari ini mengerjakan apa yang orang

lain akan mengerjakannya tiga hari kemudian ..
JumPa AnDa Di PunCak KeJaYaaN bersama KeSeJahTeRaaN!

Pengajaran ayat:
Perkahwinan itu satu perkara yang mulia, Mengapa

mesti kita mengelakkannya. Ia adalah satu fitrah bagi manusia,

kalau tak sanggup, manusiakah KITA. Jangan risau jika kita tak

dapat isteri yang solehah, kerana Allah telah berjanji, perempuan

yg soleh hanya utk lelaki yg soleh...Kalau kita sbg lelaki tak

soleh...jgn harap dapat bini yg soleh....Syukur apa yg telah


Tak semua perempuan itu BAIK, tapi baiKKah kita nak dapat perempuan

yg baik...???

Kalau kita mengorat perempuan memang tak baik, tapi kalau kita tak

berusaha nak cari isteri; Ada can ker bini itu TURUN dari


Kita tak suka perigi mencari timba....Perempuan jenis apakah itu???

Siti Khadijah pun perempuan mcm itu; Hinakah dia??????

Allah telah mengutuskan perempuan utk lelaki...bukannya kita perlu

hidup dgn sendiri...

Mungkin rezeki tidak ada untuk kita memulakan alam

perkahwinan. ......Tanpa usaha , rezeki itu memnag tidak ada....

Syabas kpd sesiapa yg melangkah ke gerbang perkahwinan, yg tidak,

ANDA sesungguhnya berada dalam kerugian....

FIKIR-FIKIRKANLAH. ......... ... ...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Berharap dapat 4-flat...

Ini kisah benar...
Pecah peluh berusaha menyiapkan 'projek baek' aku neh.hehee... Finally, I'm finished successfully to do its! This is about my Final Year Project during my studied at Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam... So stress when thinking back the work-flow to buildup my robot... My Project names, 'Kapal Korek Hidung'..heh..just kidding...
It title is 'Aerial Compass Robot', the name so simple and short.. ease to remember its...Where it begins? Actually, I got an Idea when I'm in the toilet on early morning to get shower and ready to the class... It suddenly appear in my mind, frist question ask my self... Why would you create something a new type of robot? Selalu cume robot gune roda...From that, I'm get something as a new beginning..create a navigation robot by using a Helicopter as main medium in my project... The motif is, just navigate the will measure only north direction..and show the direction by flying towars the sirections..easy right..hehee... Sape-sape pown boley buat...
Boley la untuk pengajaran dan pengalaman diri sendiri... Teramat la memerlukan sumber-sumber kewangan yang memeningkan kepala...maklumla kena pakai duit sendiri..hehee.. So, an initiative, just let-go my third-wife, my lovely bass guitar...Kena jual jugak sebab takde pilihan dah... So sad... Overall cost for the robot worth to RM1600.. So expensive right..hehee.. Need a sacrifice to achieve our target.. It must! Not only love need a sacrifice... Betol kan???
Banyak dapat pengajaran daripada pembangunan Robot terbabit..hehee..ayat entah hape-hape... So, proceed to the robot development, from that, I'm also got a new relation with Robocorn team... Any problem face in my robot development, I will refer to them... They all so good, kind, and genius... Very much and much thanks to them...hehee... Bunga rose tok dorang!

Should i do this?

...Dear friendz.. I'am always imagine that we are planning a new activity for next our meeting.. Hopefully you guys and girls interested to join my next plan, travel to oversea.. perhaps Europe or cold country..hehee..
This is the big plan, need the big budget.. tapi bukan dalam masa terdekat ni.. Kerja dan simpan duit bebanyak ok.. For those who want to married, please spend your money for the trip too.. Dun Forget ok.. Ley je honeymoon bersama kenkawan..hehh!! Sape-sape yang bersetuju, sila mendapatkan pengesahan selanjutnye daripada IR Fareim ok..I be waiting for you guys!

Knows other and Most important is know the people..maybe can generate new relationship for us..girl with new men,boy with new women..(terutama kepada kawan-kawan yang masih single tu..hehee)...

Thomas Cup 1992

If I were one of the big bosses in any of the TV stations, I would issue a directive to the production team to come up with a montage of our best badminton moments, in particular the momentous 1992 Thomas Cup victory, plus of course selected songs as background music not only to boost the team's confidence but also encourage the rakyat to support the team. Broadcast them during prime time, virtually everyday starting immediately until the team's last drop of sweat. But since I'm not in the position to do something, I've compiled the following as my contribution to the Thomas Cup team. Ayuh, Malaysia!

Rashid Sidek's memorable victory over Ardy Wiranata for the first point in 1992

Razif-Jalani were defeated by Gunawan-Eddy Hartono...

But terrier Foo Kok Keong rose to the occasion, beating Alan Budi Kusuma who three months later scooped the first Olympic gold medal in Barcelona

The winning point by Cheah Soon Kit-Soo Beng Kiang...

Bila lagi neh!

What happened to our Malaysia Thomas Camp? they lose to China team in Semi-final Thomas Cup.. Bila lagi nak bawa balik Piala Thomas tu?? hmm.. We have Datuk Lee Chong Wei, first in the world.. He the best player i think..But the day was unluckly to him cause lose to his opponent, LimDan lor..

He is returned from injury recovery then won the game.. The game he show so impressive in the badminton world. This is cause of passion from himself to won the game and ability to psycho his opponent.. Even Datuk Lee Chong Wei cannot defeat him.. In the football world we have Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi as a shining star that both of them always compete each other to be the best but in badminton we have Lim Dan and Datuk Lee Chong Wei..But I'm proud with Datuk that not ease to giving up.. for the next game hopefully Datuk can defeat Lim Dan..

However, BAM suppose to take initiative to find another younger s player for single as soon as possible as a replacement and train them for future Thomas games. Orang muda ganti orang pengalaman (tua)..hehee.. if the action is not taken by Bam, perhaps we will won the Thomas cup but for the next 20 years.. Bila lagi neh!